Data Management

PragTic uses its own database, which consists of:

- the FE-model description

- FE-analysis results

- isolated points description

- results at isolated points

- fatigue analysis data.

Once imported, the FE-model and all relevant data are saved to the database. Any changes in the FE-model have to be translated to the PragTic by another import. The database is formed over a set of data_vectors, which are binary files with a uniformly structured content.  The database itself is also defined as a specific data_vector called data_base here. Each data_vector indexed in the data_base is saved into a unique file. Since this way of data management leads to a large bulk of files, a directory of the same name as the name of the task is formed, whenever the task is defined. All data_vectors except the data_base file are saved into this directory.

The outer representation of the data_base and the data_vector can be seen in the PragTic environment - theirs description can be found in the data_base tree in the left side of the main window. The most of the data_vectors is represented by an item there. The items are indexed in the data_base by their unique ID-names.





isolated points

fatigue analysis data



element library

file types

© PragTic, 2007

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